Monday, July 7, 2008

Pool Accessories Must Haves

Okay, we do have pool accessories that a billiard set can't live without. And we also have those that are only there for the purpose of spicing up things a little more. These are the things that would make you go and wonder, "Do I really need that?" Well then, you answer that question by digging in these fancy things.


Come now, you know a cue is important enough to lose an entire game, but gloves? What for? If you have noticed or if you have watched those professional players on television, some of them wear gloves. If you have no idea whatsoever on what a billiard glove looks like, well, they are those black leather things that players wear on one or both hands. The purpose of gloving during play is to prevent the occurrence of sweaty hands. When your palms produce sweat, it tends to produce friction. Friction, on the other hand, can ruin the beauty of a hit or a swing. Those who are allergic to talc can use this as an alternative. Wearing billiard gloves can also minimize chalk dust and talc powder on the felt.


Alright, so gloves are more preferred by ladies. It doesn't count though. For those who aren't allergic to this kind of powder, you could use it on your hands to ease away the moisture building on them. When using this, you have to be watchful for they are messy. After the game, prepare your cleaning materials.


The game has ended. All of your friends have left. Before leaving your recreation room, cover your billiard table with a piece of cloth. It could be anything as long as it embraces the whole billiard table. You could use your blanket, bed coverings, etc. or if you're not satisfied with that, you could just buy a billiard table covering. It would only cost you a couple of bucks. Either printed or plain, it won't matter as long as you have one. This will lessen the risk of dust and felt damaging substances.

Rack and Hook

You can't just leave you cues and balls anywhere you want. They might get lost or your pet dog may mistake it for a toy. You wouldn't want to put it on top of the table. If you have no place in your closet or an available space to keep it safe, purchasing a ball rack and a cue hook wouldn't hurt. It actually makes the place look tidy and divine.

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