Monday, July 7, 2008

Pool Equipment and Accessories

Having a pool table of your own can be costly. Having a pool table with the table light, 2 or 3 personalized cue sticks, and a set of billiard balls, can be very expensive. No wonder this sport is often compared to golf. A sport only meant for the ones who can afford it. But if you really love playing pool within the vicinity of your own home, and have the right amount of money to purchase the essentials, then it's time for you to get hooked up with these items.

Billiard Table

You can't start a game without this. Imagine, playing pool without a table. That would be a disaster. Before purchasing a billiard table, inspect it thoroughly, from top to bottom. Be sure that what you're buying is of good quality that would outlast rough times of playing and practice. Billiard tables that are usually made from Brazil and China can be of good trait but the best class of tables could only come from Italy. A billiard table can amount from $1,000 up to $1,800. Aside from the brand of the table, the amount would also depend on the height of the table and the size of it.

Billiard Lights

If your table is situated indoors like an underground recreation room, without a touch of sunlight coming through, a pool table light would be suitable. It comes in different kinds; either a one-shade or two-shade description. Others also offer the conventional kind or the modern one. How much? It will depend on the design and materials that were used for making it. The brand can also put an additional mark ranging from $50 up to $500 and above.

Cue Sticks

Some want it personalized and some, for as long as they have one, don't mind if it's all ordinary. The finest pool cues are those that are not easy to bend or break. The way you play the game would also depend on the feel of the cue stick on your hands. This would cost you sixty bucks up to $250.

Billiard balls

This comes in different choices whether the standard ones, or those that are used for training. The thing is, these balls must all be of the same size, shape, texture and weight. So you have to be very careful when choosing a new set of balls. The traditional pool balls would range from $25 - $ 200. The cheapest of the designer balls would amount $90 a set elevating to a hundred and fifty.

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