Monday, July 7, 2008

Pool Hall Don'ts

There are some do's we have to constantly remember in everything that we do, and definitely there are some don'ts too. This also pertains to the great game called pool.

Even if you are the master of pool strategies and techniques, nobody will want you at their table to play if you disobey their rules and maintain proper rudeness. And as basic as it seems, these rules are the ones that provide security for the billiard equipment and those who are paying to play.

Manners do matter. You don't want to be kicked out or be banned after you have been given several warnings of the don'ts inside the pool hall. To give you a hint, here are some of the worst kinds of mistakes pool players can make.

Cursing or bursting out in rage

The usage of foul language is always unwelcome in wholesome places. You don't know if there are kids lurking around your pool table. And the moment you miss your shot, you blurt out a curse and get very irritated. A sudden outpouring of emotions must be contained. Neither the parents who hear it would like it a bit nor your opponent. He might think that what you said and how you reacted is because of him.

Billiard table, dining table, and a chair all in one

This, the owners hate. Billiard tables are to be handled with care. Proper treatment for these tables can be tough. And for you to mess upon something sacred can cause you too much stress after the owners done with you. Do not sit on the wooden edges of the table. Your weight can be traumatizing to the material and finish. Do not use it as a dining table for crumbs of what you're eating or spills from your can put the felt at risk for damages.


This is dangerous. First, gambling is against the law. Next, you might see yourself inside the trash bin if you were unable to pay the right amount when you lose. Last, it is very unethical to gamble in some place where it is not allowed. Pool halls with class discourage the activity of gambling. Pool is a wholesome game, therefore make it one.

Equipment destroyer

Good, if you have the money to pay and very bad if you don't. Either way, ruining somebody else's things is always against every simple rule. You know your strength and capabilities on being thorough when hitting a cue ball. You must show the exact care for the borrowed equipments as the proprietor shows them.

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