Monday, July 7, 2008

Pool Information

The word pool here in this article does not pertain to a swimming pool but it pertains to pocket billiards. Whenever people see the word pool, the first thing that comes into their mind is swimming. As an avid fan of pool games, there are some important pieces of information that you need to know.

There are different styles in playing billiards. The games played in Europe are different from the games played in the US. You must be able to tell what playing style is being used for you to understand the game procedures. This should be the first thing that beginners should know. For the advanced players, you only need to learn new and more advanced techniques in order to play different pool games.

1. Poker Pocket

If you want to play this game, you must be able to combine the skills in playing poker and billiards. Four balls will be labeled J (Jack), K (King), A (Ace), and Q (Queen). This game can be played by three players and in order to win this game, you must do better than your opponents.

In one inning, each of the players can pocket a maximum of five balls. The pocketed balls should all be legally made. The game rules are just like the card game poker.

2. Six Ball

In a six ball game, to be called a legal shot, the player must be able to make contact first with the lowest ball number. When it comes to scoring, all other balls have no values as long as the ball that is numbered six is pocketed.

The shooter stays on the table if all the pocketed balls are legal. This is basically a rotation game. If you want to play for hours, this is a game that could catch your interest.

Now, poker pocket and six-ball are just two of the many pool games played all over the world. There are still other games like nine-ball, eight-ball, etc. Log on to the internet and discover more about pocket billiards. You can find more information there and all it takes is a bit of research. If you spend some time in researching, your efforts will pay well. Also, don't forget to practice in billiard or pool halls during your spare time. This way, you get to experience the real fun and pressures of the game. After all, by practicing often, you can improve your playing skills.

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